A few days ago I saw this van on the highway and it had this tumblr link all over it http://findingmyplaceinspace.tumblr.com/
Nothing about the link is even kind of entertaining so I just followed the blog on it and kept looking at the van. The van kind of had me all intrigued and confused. It left me partly inspired and partly curious about life. What I don't understand is how a 15 passenger van most likely spray painted with all those different colors and then the link had me that inspired and curious. It got me excited. For a moment I kind of wanted to do exactly what she was doing. I don't know why either. I wanted to be care free and just travel. Then the real side of my brain kicked in and dollar signs started appearing and I dropped it.
What if everyone lived like that though in a van traveling the world care free. No place to call home. No place that you stayed in long enough for it to matter. Traveling with gas prices the way they are means that it's certainly not cheap but what about food. What about family.
One of the most random things has got me thinking more than I have in awhile. It kind of inspired me to think about starting a journal on my life. Some part of me feels like I owe myself that. What started out as just a van on the highway ended up as something a little more intriguing and inspiring and a little less odd and weird.
Even the blog name says it all finding my place in space. Everbody is always trying to find themselves and the person traveling in that van is no different than the rest of us except that she's doing it. Actually finding herself instead of wishing she would or waiting on it. She's not sitting around chancing that life will come. She's making it.
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