Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Collection of things I loved about her enough to capture.

I look at those things when I can't sleep at night, when I'm feeling down, or when I miss her. Those things get me through the day. The middle is how many miles/hours it is to her. Keeping that in mind the fact that I will soon see her is exactly what makes life worth living. The little moments where she tells me to hush when I say I am not cute to the moments where she wants me to stay on the phone with her while she sleeps. I live for these moments. It may be 6 hours and 12 minutes. 364 miles but it's nothing for her. It's nothing compared to what it will feel like to be by her side.

I live for her these days. I'm becoming a better person because of her and nothing seems worth it anymore unless she's in my life. I never dreamed of being so happy. I prayed all day today just to keep her with me till the end of time.

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